
Dynamic Monumentalities : Toyin Falola’s In Praise of Greatness and its Intercultural Resonance in the Context of Classical Yoruba Hermeneutics

  Rikki Wemega-Kwawu : There were people of all walks of life at El Anatsui's opening last week at the Haus der Kunst, Munich, Germany, and they travelled from all over the world to witness the unveiling of this spellbinding show. There were curators, artists, gallerists, art auctioneers, art collectors, art historians, art writers, museum personnel, general art enthusiasts, family and friends. Among the visitors were even kids. Here in the photo, a kid confidently strolls through the artist's masterpiece, "Lorgoligi Logarithms," 2018, which plays with the concept of opacity and transparency, and makes a poignant commentary on the vagaries and vicissitudes of life, and the complex, zig-zaggy journey we all have to undertake as humans, hence, the eponymous title, "Lorgorligi Logarithms." 11 th march     2019 “The work consists of 65 individual parts forming a walkable labyrinth. It was created by artist El Anatsui especially for this exhibition at ...