The Scholar as Public Educator vs the Scholar as Self Preserver : Engaging the Toyin Falola Reader
Image Above Image of Totalistic Process The Ghanaian Adinkra symbol Gye Nyame “Except Nyame”, evoking the Twi expression, “Abode santan yi firi tete: obi nte ase a onim n'ahyase, na obi ntena ase nkosi n'awie, Gye Nyame” “This Great Panorama of creation dates back to time immemorial, no one lives who saw its beginning, no one will live to see its end, except Nyame”as rendered at “ Meanings of Symbols in Adinkra Cloth ”. Accessed 23/03/2018. Image from J.B. Danquah’s The Akan Doctrine of God. Abstract A short statement on the cognitive expansion enabled by the narrative sweep and range of reflection demonstrated by The Toyin Falola Reader on Afric...